Wednesday, July 12, 2017

AUGUST 21, 2017

The Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 207 is being called ‘The Great American Eclipse’ and for good reason! You can Google:  Great American Eclipse and find all sorts of information about this very powerful Eclipse!

Astronomers and Astrologers alike are anticipating the arrival of ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’.  Hotel rooms along the path of the eclipse are booked and there are those that are traveling to cities just to experience the totality of this exciting event!

The details of this Eclipse are thus:

 The Eclipse will last 94 minutes.
The Eclipse will be 70 miles wide.
The path of the Eclipse will be from Oregon to S. Carolina.
The last time we had a Solar Eclipse of this magnitude was Feb. 26, 1979 but it passed over a mere northwestern corner of the U.S.
The reason this Eclipse is different is because it crosses over only one country - The U.S.
The last time a Total Solar Eclipse cast its shadow only on the U.S. was on June 13, 1257 — before America was discovered!
The next  time a Total Solar Eclipse will hit the U.S. will be on January 25, 2316!!
The center line of this eclipse will cross through 12 states. Beginning in Oregon just before 11:15am it will enter Idaho at 11:25am MDT and leaving before 11:37am and then on its way to Wyoming.  From 11:47am MDT until 1:07CDT (note time zone change!), the path will take the eclipse to Nebraska.  Then the eclipse goes into Kansas, Missouri and hits the state border of Illinois.
     There will be two minutes of totality in Kentucky and then enters                 Tennessee around 1:25pm CDT.  North Carolina is next until 2:38pm             EDT - and then on to the very northeastern tip of Georgia and finally gets to S.     Carolina at 2:36 until 2:39pm EDT.

A Total Solar Eclipse is a marvel to behold.  Hotel rooms all around the path of the eclipse are being booked.  Stay tuned to learn more.
CP Psychics and Astrologers have great insight as to how this will affect you personally!
Check in with them and look for more blogs about this magnificent event!!

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