Saturday, March 13, 2021

MARCH 2021

 Happy International Astrology Day!!  Many years ago a group of Astrologers known as the Association for Astrological Networking - AFAN - decided to promote the idea of celebrating the day when the Sun entered the sign of Aries - The First day of ‘Spring”!!  The idea caught on and now many groups celebrate the day around the world with social and educational events.  Aries represents new beginnings and it has an exuberant quality thanks to its association with a joy for life and a desire to explore that life to its’ fullest.  The very first degree of this sign can be considered to be a power point, an indicator of where the REAL power in the chart lies. For example, if O degrees of Aries falls in your 2nd house, money/finances are very important to you!!  
       Note that all four of the seasons are in tune with the four Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
The beginning of each of these signs represent Spring, Sumer, Autumn and Winter.  With a strong emphasis on Cardinal signs, this is a person who does not wait for things to happen, they make things happen, Occasionally these people cut corners in an effort to get a project out of their in-box and into the boss hands.  For them, results count.       
     If you are born in March, there is a special message for the year ahead for you!!  The year is full of artistic, sensitive, and ambitious desires and opportunities.  You have your own personal idea of what life should be.  Just be sure you are on a good life path and in touch with reality.  The month also begins with all planet moving direct!!  Good News for all!
    March’s Full Moon occurs on the 28th at 1:47pm at 8°18’ Aries. The first eight hours after this Full Moon is exact are the most powerful for wishing. This is an excellent time for quiet, private activities.  This is a time when people seeking power will come out into the open. Quietly observe! March’s New Moon occurs on March 13, 2021 at 5:20am at 23°03’ Pisces!  The New Moon, as always, brings new opportunities for growth.  This New Moon will put you more in touch with your intuitive and psychic abilities.  Enjoy!!!!!  

Sunday, January 10, 2021

 Do you have Biden's chart?