Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Saturn Transits!!

Taking Responsibility During A Saturn Transit

Always in life, the end result to any question will be determined, to a large extent, by the actions one takes (or fails to take).

Remember, Saturn is the teacher!  Saturn has rings around it and those rings symbolize restriction, obstacles and eventual lessons.  Wherever Saturn is in your life by transit - and now it is in Sagittarius - is where lessons are to be learned. 

Avoiding responsibility just cannot be done during a Saturn Transit. I want to be clear on that. I advise  everyone with a Strong Saturn Transit not to dissociate yourself from the fact that what you choose to do is going to play heavily on how the situation plays out.

Saturn transits often put you up against some kind of wall. It’s not enough to talk or think fluffy thing. There is pressure. You’ve got to pay a real price for your real principles so it’s best you figure out what those principles are.
As always, if you opt to do the right thing, invariably, you find support.

The GOOD NEWS is that as with the teacher/student in the classroom, once the lessons have been learned the rewards will come.  So, when Saturn moves away from a strong transit in your chart, the restriction will end and hopefully a lesson has been learned!!  :-)

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