Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017


August 7, 2017              15° Aquarius 25‘               2:11 pm
    Lunar Eclipses are high-energy Full Moons and they signal a time of dramatic culmination and fulfillment. Every month the Moon travels in her orbit completely around the Earth. The Moon swings through the Earth’s shadow approximately every six months. This is a Lunar Eclipse.  A Lunar Eclipse occurs only when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned with the Earth in the middle, when the Moon is on the far side of the Earth from the Sun and when the light of the Sun is blocked to the Moon by the Earth. Unlike a Solar Eclipse, a Lunar Eclipse can be observed from nearly an entire hemisphere.  Unlike Solar Eclipses, Lunar Eclipses are completely safe to watch. Protective filters are not necessary and neither is a telescope.  A Lunar Eclipse can be observed with nothing more than the naked eye.  A pair of binoculars will magnify the view making the red coloration bright and easier to see.                      
     Life tends to speed up near eclipses and awareness increase. One quality that distinguishes eclipse influence from that of general planetary activity is the sharp way in which it begins and the equally abrupt manner in which the period of intensification ends.  Where an eclipse falls in your chart will determine the part of your life affected. Since this Eclipse is in Aquarius, find out where Aquarius is in your chart and you will know where to expect change and transformation.  And, remember - ALL change and transformation is good!
     This Lunar Eclipse occurs on Monday August 7, 2017.  It is a partial lunar Eclipse that will be visible from most of South and East Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia.  This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will occur as the Moon passes in front of the constellation of Aquarius at 15°25’.  At exactly at 2:11pm the Earth will be situated opposite the Moon as it moves through the Constellation of Leo at 15°25’ blocking the light of the Sun to the Moon as all three - the Sun, Moon and Earth fall in direct alignment.
     Earthlings tend to be more emotionally expressive during a Full Moon!  A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse emphasizes this emotional reaction  When you embrace the energy of an eclipsed allow it to mold and shape your life (which an Eclipse will do!!), the effects are usually very positive!!  (I got married soon an eclipse!)  when you resist an Eclipse and the changes it brings, havoc over your life can occur.  Psychic sensitivity, spiritual instincts and emotional connectedness are aroused as the environment becomes a little unstable. This unstable environment occurs because there is a change in the electromagnetic energy that affects us mentally and neurologically.  There will be some stress as blockages begin to crumble and are followed by a feeling of freedom.  the good news is that creative and artistic qualities will be discovered a you let go of beliefs that don’t correspond with your current reality!!  Outdated ideals or dreams may need to be discarded which can be painful but necessary!! You experience an awakening to today's truths as the clutter is cleared away and the present is seen in a new light! You redefine your personalty and your image,  A new hairdo and new clothes may result!!  Once you get past this Eclipse, new vistas of life open up as projects involving personal transformation unfold.
Read on to see how this eclipse will affect you personally!!   
     404-423-9023                               Toni Thomas                                        404-423-9023

August 7, 2017              15° Aquarius 25‘               2:11 pm

ARIES: There will be life-changing kinds of dramas happening with friends and family. Others will need your wisdom and muscle.
There will be a need to redefine yourself and your image-the way you think about yourself and the way you want others to see you.

TAURUS: This month is tough regarding changes coming to you via the outside world. Cooperation is your best bet as the course you
are on will require some correction. Career shake-ups are happening and communication equipment gets tested. Parents need attention.

GEMINI: Your mission is to resist the urge to hang on to your former beliefs just because they’re comfortable. You’re being challenged with the input of new knowledge to change your mind about a subject you’ve been quite adamant about for a very long time. Learn!

CANCER: LUNAR Eclipses will always affect you strongly as you are ruled by the Moon. This one affects the finance of a partner as he/she is forced to make important financial changes. Their whole financial strategy will need to be changed. Your image is impacted. Reality!

LEO: Dream life is activated as this eclipse stirs up the astral world and gets reflected in your dreams. This is a sign that spiritual changes are on the horizon! Legal issues take a dramatic turn, and travel/education become important as you take your message to the world!

VIRGO: Transformation is the word of the day! You are changing as you go ‘about the business that you were born to do’. Personal drama abounds as you are made aware of important changes that have to be made. Turmoil at the job triggers change. Take it easy! It’s all good!

LIBRA: Career is the scene of dramatic change. Doors will open though there are shakeups in your company or industry. A current love will get tested as sometimes this kind of eclipse signals a change in marital status. Singles often marry or get engaged under this energy! :-)

SCORPIO: Time to spend more quiet time at home to reflect on your current living situation. You are breaking free of restrictions. This could mean you are ready to move out and make it on your own-or, that you are ready to cohabitate. You’ll get to know yourself again.

SAGITTARIUS: Cars and communication equipment may need repair or replaced. Your new opinions may be challenged and you may be forced to defend them. Loved ones may refuse to conform to new ideas. Support them. You love to rebel and push a few buttons. :-)

CAPRICORN: Financial issues are at the forefront of your thinking. Don’t fret too much just yet.  If you are prepared and you have a safety net in place, this will be a little bump in the road. On the other hand, sudden financial change can go either way - windfall? Maybe!

AQUARIUS: You are forced to reevaluate yourself, to redefine yourself, to change how you think about yourself. This is ALWAYS a good thing to do! Over the coming months you will present a new image, a new ‘look’ to the world. Your wardrobe and hairstyle often change. You are urged to do something drastic to your physical appearance that will affect the impression you make on others.  Beliefs also change!

PISCES: This supercharged Full Moon will shine her light into your psyche making it entirely possible for a secret part of your life to become public knowledge quite quickly. Important changes occur in your spiritual life and your beliefs change and transform completely!
    404-423-9023                             Toni Thomas                                                404-423-9023               

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